Category: Metabolism

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Brief descriptions of slides: Abbreviated seminar “Your Metabolism” 1. Basic outline 2. Basic definitions 3. Low metabolism may be a global health concern 4. And a national concern, manifested as diseases correlated to...

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Your Metabolism Clyde Wilson PhD NUTRITION: Each type of unsaturated fat independently raises RMR e.g. by reducing insulin resistance (IR) and activating fat burning (Krebs Cycle/mitochondria). Sufficient quality protein raises...

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  You can listen in audio format here: Metabolic nutrition chapter reading DrClyde Metabolic nutrition MACRO NEEDS DrClyde Metabolic nutrition DIET STRATEGIES DrClyde Metabolic nutrition NUTRITION ENGINEERING DrClyde...

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  Clyde Wilson taught me how to think about food and nutrition, and for that I will forever be grateful.

thumb Rocky B.