Nutrition for metabolism means nourishing your lean tissue to increase your energy levels, weight loss, and healing from exercise to avoid all your efforts making you feel worse instead of better.

EMAIL: Briefly describe your goals, exercise pattern, and nutrition pattern (including example meals, when you usually eat, and your hydration pattern).  This doubles the efficiency of our first discussion.

DISCUSSION: We will then schedule our 1-hour discussion, which can be in person, via the internet, or phone.  The initial discussion can take 1.5-2 hours if your situation is complex.

YOUR PROGRAM: I will email your written nutrition program usually within 48 hours.

SUPPORT: I recommend reviewing your program together to ensure clarity and to make any needed immediate adjustments within one week of the initial discussion.  Ongoing email and text support are provided to maintain your momentum.   A detailed follow-up discussion within a month is recommended

Reminder please email me your: goals, exercise & nutrition habits
A. Your goals
B. Your exercise habits
C. Your nutrition habits: typical meals and snacks, when you eat, and your hydration pattern
Please include when you eat, example meals and snacks, and your hydration pattern